Saturday, May 29, 2010

If I Had Gotten My Way...

If I had gotten my way
I wouldn’t have seen
the light fall softly
on a particular leaf in a particular way.
I would not have witnessed the
branches held by light,
or the fading sun turning
emerald into a pale chartreuse
Before the darkness fell.
I wouldn’t have seen
how the breath of the universe
gently moved the leaves
that offered no resistence, only
shimmering with pleasure & peace.
If I had gotten my way
I would have missed this twilights gifts.
I would not have been embraced by
the harmony and the magic of the woods.....
The plethora of birds that followed my movements.
The fish that jumped 2 ft out of water with my passing.
I wouldn’t have felt the movement of air
as the blackbird flew swiftly over my shoulder.
I would have missed the displaying gobblers
with their blazing red heads and fanned out tails
trying so desperately to make an impression
on their unperturbed hens.
I wouldn’t have seen the ducks fly in
to gobble up our offering....
I wouldn’t have experienced the serenity
In the twilight of this day
If I had gotten my way.