Sunday, April 13, 2008

Listening To You

I appreciate your need,
a compulsion really, to over explain.

That is why I admire
the ones who can craft
the short poem,
and state themselves with few words...
I rarely can.

I overwrite, overstate, over do,
In a desperate attempt
to try to make you understand,
to assure that you get it, that you get me....

Truth is you either do or you don’t.
And the poet’s secret is to grab
in the first couple lines,
and hold captivated and charmed,
pulling across each stanza, to the final
wrapping up of a trail of words.

We speak to the ones we are
supposed to reach and we find the
voice crying in the wilderness, that
we are supposed to hear.
To the others, we speak a foreign tongue,
they will sluff us off with disinterest,

As they have no need of our personal experience,
can’t find themselves like pieces of fools gold,
lying glittering between our lines....
And we will be bored, unmoved, unfulfilled
by the banal chatter of the uninitiated.

The universe is busy drawing us.
We are simply the wordy players,
on some great stage of acting out a God’s plan.

We are the ones crafted and called,
the ones opened by fire and sword
to listen and to speak;
to uncover and to endlessly seek.


Blogger Beatrice V said...

Pam, no comment now, but instructions "how to" add a list. Tried to be precise and simple, hope you manage, otherwise we can try again, let me know.

• Have link/s URL ready to paste:

Now on your main Blogger page: Dashboard, on latest/newest Blog Mystery and Madness, click on “Layout”

a) Go to "Add a Page Element" new window comes up

b) Now, find "Link List" and click "Add To Blog" (new window comes up):
on "Title", give this list a name, e.g. “Other Bloggers” (stay on this window)

c) on “New Site URL” , now paste the URL, next>

d) on "New Site Name", the name you want for this particular link, e.g. Wordcrafter

e) Then "Save", and it is done.

-Whenever you want to add another item to the list, go back to the Layout page, click on this particular box “Other Bloggers”: edit, and just add another link in the same way.

-If you want ANOTHER list of say… “My own favourite poems” , just again “Add Page Element” and do another links list, in the same way.

f) Then, if you like to arrange the order of this boxes, on the Layout page just drag them around, for example, put Profile on top, then Archives, then Links (or “Other Bloggers”) just in whichever order you want.

Finally if you like to change the look of your blog, or for each blog to have different Template, I will tell you next time, easy this one.
Let me know how it goes.

April 14, 2008 at 1:29 AM  
Blogger Beatrice V said...

Now had a chance to read Mystic one, this is wonderful... oddly, before reading your post, I just wrote something (Not a Poet) that has a certain parallel. Stange,how sometimes within a group who know each other, we seem now and then (unknowingly) to be working in tandem.
(still need help with the "how to"?) let me know.

April 15, 2008 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger White Rose said...

I happened to come along this page by Next blog. I'm so glad I did. I really enjoyed reading your work. I'm going to add you as a link to my page. I am really looking to find a group of writers on here to help me write more and for some critiques. Wonderful page!

April 16, 2008 at 9:47 PM  

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