Monday, May 30, 2005

For Only God TO Understand

....What are you doing walking around in my today? Bumping into chairs and tables in my well ordered now, colliding into the mistakes, the needs , the relationships with their still unlearned lessons, the passions and fears of my yesterday, pulsing wildly with your fingers reaching?
Why are you salt and peppering my feast with nuance and complexity, mystery and madness I'm not sure I'm up to anymore. Such forays down the path of enchantment following some charming Piper's call takes energy I'm not sure I have. Why are you ruffling the waters of my life, calmer more settled than ever before.
But then its not you is it? You are simply my partner for this peculiar dance. You have no idea why you hold me under the light of Grace on life's stage and twirl me round and round under a moonless sky. Flesh intwines itself in flesh where wounds in need cry out thru the hunger in our skin.
I am a temptress, a seductress, a sensual sylphlike creature calling you into my forest to play. You really shouldn't follow me because I'll slip only defense against your asking too much of me, extracting my essence from my soul, is to run, to flee your fingers reaching. I will slip thru them like air, my long perfected Houdini escape, before you can suffocate me with your need. I cannot be held and I cannot be tamed. Be forewarned, I will leave you limping and lame....why have I drawn you into my flame. Why have I invited you to the banquet table. Why have I asked you to kneel with me at the alter in my heart and pray? Why have I allowed you to reveal to me your hunger and why have I lain my vulnerable being in your massive hand...
why are we two souls twirling on this stage for only God to understand?


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