Monday, January 03, 2005


I wonder if my little blog will ever see the light of day on anyones screen. Or if it will just flounder in the bowels of the vast internet , twisting and turning in on itself, lost somewhere between the massive coils of words put out by so many. And why does one create a blog in the first place, why put your heart out there anyway, why lay your words on the table where they can be sliced and shred and eaten or tossed aside. My thoughts are not so easy to digest I know. They ask people to think differently, hell they ask me to think differently too.
Heres a thought for today: Just how much will love ask of us if we are really to learn her lessons of authenticity, sacrifice and acceptance? Its a very long journey of the heart from the "love" we think we feel for someone who is making us feel good, all warm and cozy and alive, and the much larger "love" that asks us to sacrifice some of our ideals and dreams for another, the love that asks us sometime to accept that which we think unacceptable. Love, asks us to grow past our small selves into another realm of grace.


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