Sunday, January 02, 2005

Variously gifted people

We are all variously equipped and gifted for the journey across our life's filed, but each adequately equipped for the particular filed of dreams he must cross, the particular life he is born into: My oldest daughter tells me she is sorry she can't contribute to my blog, as she is only an accountant. The smartest woman I knew growing up, the one who left the most positive mark on my lonely little girl's heart, the most admirable example of a woman I had, was my Father's beloved Nana. She was an accountant, smart, capable, efficient. I don't think she was a dreamer with a poets soul, like her only grandaughter...but it is she who introduced me to poetry, who read to me, who took the time write out in longhand with bent and painful fingers, a 12 page poem I loved called "Kentucky Belle". I still have that poem tucked away with the handful of things from my life that I treasure most. And everytime I read it, it gives silent testimony to her love for me. My Grandmother, the bright accountant who was such a bright light in my dark world. To me she was the smartest woman in the world, with the most positive, most stable things to contribute to my fragile, fractured foundation. Her steady accountant's heart nurtured my little poets, wild, sad soul and it was she who encouraged the growth of my wings, only stubble and promise when she died and left me, but before she went she planted and watered the seeds of faith that I would one day soar free.
We always have exactly what we need to contribute wherever we should find ourselves...the difficulty seems to lie in realizing and recognizing it, releasing it and believing in it enought to share it....whatever "it" might be. So let us each sing his hearts own song, as even the sun trust and sings each morning, her song to earth.


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